Pursuant to Article 13 of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 (the “Italian Data Protection Code”), we hereby provide you with the following information about the processing of your personal data through this website.

The personal data provided by you shall be collected, recorded, arranged, stored and used for the purpose of your use of the WFO’s website, which is the data controller for the personal data provided and/or collected through this website.

WFO’s offices are in Rome, Via del Tritone no. 102. The processing of your personal data by WFO is intended solely for the purpose of the proper and complete performance of the purpose for which you have entered your personal data, which will be collected with the help of electronic means and processed by automated means, and in any event, with instruments that are suitable for guaranteeing the safety and confidentiality of your data.

Your refusal to provide the requested data may prevent the proper conduct of the activities described above.

Your personal data may be disclosed by WFO to its employees, members of staff or contractors in charge of the processing thereof, which shall take place at the WFO’s offices located in Rome at Via del Tritone no. 102, and may also be made available to service providers, and consultants – such as, by way of mere example – accountants, legal consultants – to whom it must be disclosed for the proper performance of the tasks for which it has been collected.

Your personal data shall not be otherwise disseminated to third parties.

This website is managed and hosted in Italy.

Your personal data may only be transferred to countries within the European Union and to third countries for the purposes stated in this notice in the event that your consent has been obtained. You are entitled to obtain from WFO confirmation – which must be provided to you in an intelligible form – of the existence or otherwise of the personal data held by it, as well as the identity of the parties to whom your personal data has been disclosed.

You are entitled to request the updating, rectification and integration of your personal data, as well as the deletion or transformation thereof into an anonymous form or the blocking of data processed in violation of the law. You are entitled to challenge, for legitimate reasons, the processing of your personal data.

You may exercise the above-described rights by sending an email to info@wfo-oma.org.