Hacia la COP 26: Hagamos que la voz de los agricultores sea alta y clara
La COP 26 se acerca rápidamente, y los Climakers están listos para poner todos sus esfuerzos para dirigir la atención sobre cómo la comunidad de agricultores de todo el mundo está lidiando con el cambio climático. Los agricultores tienen una [...]
Noticia de última hora: ¡»LOS CLIMAKERS» a bordo de «Race to Resilience»!
“LOS CLIMAKERS” está oficialmente a bordo de “Race to Resilience” como una iniciativa asociada
LAUNCHED TODAY: “Stories from the Field – COVID-19 Special Edition”
NOW online the COVID-19 Special Edition of “The Climakers-Stories from the Field.” Rome, Italy, 23 December 2020 - The Climakers Alliance is thrilled to announce the launch the COVID-19 Special Edition of “The Climakers-Stories from the Field”. This publication [...]
Next Steps Towards COP26 and UN Food Systems Summit 2021
The Climakers meet digitally for a forward-looking and constructive exchange on next commitments for 2021 to ensure that the initiative delivers its outcomes. Today, December 16, the members of the Farmers Driven Climate Change Alliance, namely the “Climakers”, convened digitally [...]
Driving the Transition Towards Sustainable Food Systems Together
The Climakers: an effective multi-stakeholder alliance for the sustainability of food systems in the framework of a changing climate The UN Food Systems Summit (FSS) will take place next Fall 2021, and it presents a unique opportunity to bring together [...]
The Climakers at the pre-UN Food Systems Summit event
Next November 24th, the World Farmers’ Organisation (WFO) will bring together the members of the Climakers Alliance for the special event “The Climakers - A farmers driven agenda towards the sustainability of food systems”, a lively discussion hosted by [...]